Unique college essay
Essay Topics On The Code Of Hammuradi
Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Importance of Vehicle Safety in the Contemporary Period Research Paper
The Importance of Vehicle Safety in the Contemporary Period - Research Paper Example Tanked driving is taboo in the greater part of the nations over the world attributable to its colossal potential to cause hurt not exclusively to the alcoholic driver yet in addition to different drivers and passers-by. At the point when an individual is flushed, he/she loses the awareness level that is required to drive wisely. Defeat with feelings and drowsiness, the individual takes sharp turns and drives at an extremely quick speed. Numerous individuals will in general drive in the wake of drinking imagining that they are too prepared to even think about being trapped in a mishap. A lion's share of the alcoholic drivers are very master at driving, however when the individual isn't completely cognizant, the driving aptitude turns into an optional factor. What the driver principally requires is authority over the faculties. An alcoholic driver doesn't understand when he/she accelerated more than would normally be appropriate, and in the exact instant, was trapped in the mishap. Wearing a safety belt appears to be a convention to a great deal of drivers and many think of it as too straightforward a defensive measure to be proficient, however it is a crucial need of driving. The safety belt is a safeguard. It keeps the driver down and shields the head from crushing against the front mirror or the controlling in the moment when the vehicle unexpectedly strikes against something or is trapped in a mishap. At whatever point a vehicle abruptly stops, the lower some portion of the body stops with it while the upper part continues moving at a similar speed because of latency. Along these lines, drivers that don't wear the safety belt get their heads smashed while the lower some portion of the body stays flawless. In any case, since the head is injured, it implies the cerebrum is injured. The human mind is among the most touchy body organs and is of prime significance since it controls the body capacities. Any harm to the cerebrum can't be continued by the body. Thi s is the motivation behind why a greater part of the drivers getting wounds in the head passed on at the spot. Along these lines, wearing a seat strap while driving is a must.â
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Memorable Term Essay
In Mr. Rodriguez’s Spanish 1-2 class, we have adapted such a significant number of new things and have had the stunning chance to acquire familiarity with another dialect. A portion of the objectives we had in the start of the term were to become familiar with the suitable degree of Spanish, for instance more information on action words, and how to state fundamental discussions and welcome. We were required to have gotten the hang of all that we were educated, and the fundamental piece of the Spanish language. Mr. Macfarland was our Spanish educator, and his procedures were that we got our work done in schoolwork bundles, and we would sing our jargon, which profited us and helped us remember it in a simpler manner. At the point when we stepped through examination, tests and responded to questions out loud, he could pass judgment on the off chance that we were learning or not by the appropriate responses we would give, or the evaluations we would get. The family venture we did in Mr. Macfarland’s class was certainly the most vital and charming task we did. All through my first year, I didn’t do whatever other undertaking that resembled the family venture we did in his group, and that is the thing that made it so pleasant. It was enjoyable to experience old pictures, and have the option to kind of acquaint you’re family with your group. I did well in my Spanish class, accepting high evaluations on most assignments. A portion of the challenges I encountered were doing schoolwork, since that was the main class I had schoolwork in ordinary and furthermore book work, since it was difficult to see now and again. I learned numerous new intriguing things; I figured out how to have a discussion in Spanish, additionally action words in Spanish. All through this term I have improved extraordinarily. I have increased much more information, on the grounds that in the start of the term the main thing I could state was hi. With respect to my accomplishments, I am pleased to the point that I got An in my group, since that was exceptionally past my desires. I would review my exertion about a B-, in light of the fact that there were a ton of times I would relax and not do schoolwork and my presentation about a B since I once in a while talked during that class yet focused and quit fooling around when it was important. Learning Spanish can profit me in my future since I will have the option to marginally understand others when they are communicating in Spanish, which is significant on the grounds that numerous individuals communicate in Spanish in San Diego. Additionally, I will keep learning Spanish for my sophomore year. I didn't have issues out of school that influence my homeroom experience. One year from now I might want to improve my exertion, and on the off chance that I keep taking Spanish in school it could help my transcript from having taken in a subsequent language. To arrive at my objectives sooner rather than later, I will keep taking dialects since I feel it is something I have to succeed and something I appreciate doing. During this Spanish class, I have had such huge numbers of astounding encounters it is too much. I will always remember how clever and odd Mr. Macintosh was. I will likewise always remember how he caused us to sing our jargon since I have always been unable to have some good times while learning the importance of words. Generally speaking, I have gained numerous experiences in this Spanish 1-2 class that I will always remember.
Descriptive Essay Topics: How to Use Them to Get Your Essay Writing
Descriptive Essay Topics: How to Use Them to Get Your Essay WritingEssay descriptive topics are one of the primary parts of your essay. All essays will have one or two descriptive topics that define the main points of the paper. Essay descriptive topics allow you to focus on the information that you want to cover and make it more succinct.The first step in developing a descriptive topic is to establish the nature of your topic. You need to first think about the main points of your essay and decide what your focus will be. Once you have determined the topic, you will then need to write about the key issues that relate to your topic. You should always begin with a strong thesis statement before moving into your paragraphs.Your focus in developing your essay may be on a 'lesser of two evils' scenario or a scenario where you choose the lesser of two evils. Once you decide on the focus of your essay, you will want to brainstorm for possible topics and how to get them. This may include rea ding books or newspapers that report on the topic and checking for issues that may affect the topic, such as current events, local news and other research related to the topic.Using examples or visualization can help you become more creative with your descriptive topics. For example, if you have researched and written about the issue of global warming, a great idea for a descriptive topic would be an imaginary scene of global warming in your own life. Once you have decided what you want to talk about, you can start creating sentences that will describe your story and your topic in the most concise way possible.Another great idea is to add a 'Story Twister'Saga' to your essay. For example, instead of writing about the challenges that new moms face in raising their children, you could use a Saga or story in which the father has an affair with the mother. There are many others ways to weave ideas into your essay with Story Twisters. By utilizing the power of a Story Twister, you can pu t your ideas in the reader's mind and enable them to visualize the parts of your story.A good essay has a number of sections. Some writers like to separate the essay into four major sections such as content, structure, organization and conclusion. If you know what sections you want to focus on, you can create a powerful paragraph for each section.If you want to use the power of imagery in your essay, it is very important to have a strong storyline. Instead of just going into detail about the subject, you should be able to describe your scene in a way that can be remembered and shared with others. Imagery works well for this purpose and should also show how the idea is related to other items and is not like a stranger in your story.To sum up, while there are many different types of topics for your essay, they all have one thing in common. They all need to begin with a strong thesis statement, demonstrate the major issues, develop relevant details and outline a main theme for the enti re essay.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Secret for Two by Quentin Reynolds
In this way, the account code is available here and the work itself is a short story: ;Short †Can typically be perused in one setting (it presents a general image of Pierre Duping life; a few harassers - ? Pierre Duping, horse Joseph, Jacques, verbose: president, driver, specialist; it has little extents: around 1025 words); ;Concise: Information offered in the story is pertinent to the story being told (the storyteller don't escape from the primary plot); ;Usually attempts to abandon a solitary impression or impact (The story is worked around one character - ? Pierre Duping, place - ? Montreal, Idea - ? a decent work is accomplished by the individuals who truly discover shared view); Going further to the pre-printed level, we can identify: the title establishes an ostensible language structure which Is compound from a mystery †a thing, and for two-a numeral (It demands two individuals). Typically, a mystery Is kept by a solitary individual yet here we have a mystery shared by two. Mystery ; something that ought to stay avoided others (particularly data that isn't to be passed on), and it demands data, data †a message got and comprehended, and certainty †a mystery that is trusted or depended to another.The punctuation manages human reality and it infers the awareness and the otherworldly circle of person. The title follows the direction work: it gives general impressions about cap will occur and what we ought to find, it gives shrouded clues; the enlightening capacity: we should discover something, the content informs something concerning two man; the down to business work: It rises peruser's enthusiasm as a mystery as a rule is kept by one individual however this mystery Is shared by two, and you think a mystery for two†¦ What Is the mystery? Who right? - ? you long for discovering something†¦ At the starting the storyteller puts the activity in a solid spot: in Montreal (a city in Canada), on Prince Edward Street (really, it is a possibility nowadays).The time s not characterized: it occurs in the period when ponies and wagons were utilized to convey and convey milk. In the inside Pierre Duping is put. The storyteller solidifications: he had conveyed the milk to the families in the city for a long time (that is the preface). Time passes; Pierre and Joseph are getting old. The president urges him to go to retirement however he cannot (strife). They keep on conveying milk (improvement of the activity). In any case, comes a chilly day when the pony passes on (peak). Pierre gets Into a stun. He will not work any increasingly (constrained of the activity). The profound overflowing doesn't let him hear the wagon's signs. He Is murdered Instantly.The specialist expresses the man has been visually impaired for at any rate five years (result). This was the mystery kept by Pierre and his pony. Presently dissecting further the Intra-literary level I recognize 6 significant story squares. Each square is portrayed by in ward semantic and basic alt. L. Hrs story Deadlock: Montreal is an extremely enormous city. Like every single Large city, it has little roads. Lanes, for instance, Like Prince Edward Street - ? just four squares Long. Nobody knew Prince Edward Street just as Pierre Duping. He had conveyed milk to the families in the city for a long time. †This passage presents the spot (Montreal, Prince Edward Street) and presents the fundamental character (Pierre Duping).It is made out of 5 sentences: 3 sentences involve clear components (ale city, little lanes, four squares Long), other 2 - ? story components (knew Prince Edward Street, He had conveyed milk). This part is an ideal case of printed intelligibility: the semantic side of rationality is guaranteed by lexical connections built up between sentences: Montreal is an exceptionally huge city. Like every Large city, it has little roads. Â? connect 1 Like every Large city, it has little roads. Boulevards, for instance, Like Prince E dward Street-just four squares Long. - ? connect 2 Streets, for instance, Like Prince Edward Street - ? just four squares Long. Nobody knew Prince Edward Street just as Pierre Duping - ? . Ink 3 No one knew Prince Edward Street just as Pierre Duping. He had conveyed milk to the families in the city for a long time. - ? interface 4 Links 1-4 associates the sentences of the part at the surface level, and the utilization of same lexemes (city, road, Prince Edward Street) safeguards the mental side of repudiate as it regards the associations between the ideas and thought (Nontransferable city, Prince Edward Street-little road), between objects (Montreal-city-stretchiness Edward Street-Pierre Duping) and activities (He had conveyed milk to the families in the city) detailed. One can plainly envision a solid spot and a man who works here.Cohesion comes to help cognizance: lexical chain: lexemes introducing place - ? Montreal, city, avenues, squares; ellipsis: the oversight of the action w ord - ? Lanes, for instance, Like Prince Edward Street - ? just four squares Long to stay away from reiteration of has; Tense: Present Simple (is, has: storyteller presents a general portrayal, accessible to whenever); Past Simple (knew) and Past Perfect (had conveyed): places the occasions in the past as the storyteller makes a retrospection of what is being told; 0 Junctions: show examination (comparison: Like every single Large city), delineation (for instance, Like Prince Edward Street). They help getting a striking picture and emerges peruser's trust; II.Second account hinder: For as far back as fifteen years, a huge white pony pulled his milk wagon. In Montreal, particularly in the French piece of the city, creatures and kids are regularly even the names of holy people. Puncture's pony had no name when it previously went to the milk organization. Pierre was told he could utilize the pony. He moved his hand tenderly and affectionately over the pony's neck and sides. He investig ated the creature's eyes. â€Å"This is a delicate horse,†Pierre said. â€Å"l can see an excellent soul sparkling out of its eyes. I will name him after Saint Joseph, who likewise was a delicate and delightful soul. †I en Treatment presents another phase when ten shopping center contracted gets an Eternal - ? w horse Joseph.Cohesion is upheld here by utilizing pronouns he, it, I, and action words at Past Simple in dynamic and uninvolved voice (pulled, are given, had, came, was told, moved, looked, said) as the portrayal is guided to introduce occasions; such Junctions uncover accentuation (particularly in the French piece of the city), time arrangement (for as far back as fifteen years), expansion (who likewise was †¦ ). The content contains a monolog arrangement when Pierre reflects about pony's name (â€Å"This is a delicate horse,†Pierre said. â€Å"l can see a wonderful soul sparkling out of its eyes. I will name him after Saint Joseph, who additio nally was a delicate and wonderful soul. â€Å") - ? so Pierre is a profound, scrutinizing person.Among elaborate gadgets distinguished here: Epithet: moved his hand delicately and affectionately - ? the character is a caring individual, he adores creatures and treats them with a great deal of care; delicate pony - ? this pony would not make issues; ; Metaphor: lovely soul sparkling out of its eyes - ? character sees a supernatural, divine vitality originating from that creature, that is the reason he makes a ; Parallelism with Saint Josef who additionally was a delicate and delightful soul; ; Lexical units respect proficient terms (milk wagon, organization), portions of body (neck, sides, eyes), lexemes associated with religion (Saint Joseph, lovely soul). Sick. Third story obstruct: After about a year, the pony, Joseph, became acquainted with each house that got milk, and each house that didn't. Each morning at five, Pierre showed up at the milk organization's corrals to discover his wagon previously loaded up with containers of milk and Joseph hanging tight for him, Pierre would call, â€Å"Bonjour, my old friend,†as he moved into his seat, while Joseph turned his head toward the driver. Different drivers would grin. They said that the pony grinned at Pierre. At that point Pierre would delicately call to Joseph, â€Å"Vance, moon point. What's more, the two would go gladly down the road. With no structure from Pierre, the wagon would move down three roads. At that point it turned ideal for two boulevards, before going left to Saint Catherine Street. The pony at last halted at the principal house on Prince Edward Street. There, Joseph would stand by maybe thirty seconds for Pierre to get away from his seat and put a jug of milk at the front entryway. At that point the pony strolled past the following two houses and halted at the third. Furthermore, without being told, Joseph would pivot and return along the opposite side. Ok truly, Joseph was a sav vy horse. Pierre would discuss Joseph. L never contact the reins. He knows Just where to stop.Why, a visually impaired man could convey my milk with Joseph pulling the wagon. †This part is story succession. A great deal of Junctions come to help the union and rationality: a ton of consideration is vocalizes on time markers after about a year, each morning at five, qualifier as of now, while, at that point, before as the occasions have length and the character life follows its course; expansion and, rundown at last, place there. The characters who take an interest in the activity are Joseph (the pony) and Pierre that is the reason they are the subjects of sentences. Action words are as for the most part before (AS got, showed up, halted, grinned, said†¦ ; would call, would go, would Walt, would pivot. As ten activity Implies a physically character it's clearly to have a great deal of lexemes underscoring headings and position toward, down, left, right, front, around, back ; lexemes with respect to occupation milk organization, wagon, driver, reins, pulling; place markers Saint Catherine Street, Prince Edward Street, house; action words of activity got, go down, move down, turned, strolled, convey, pulling. These words are a piece of casual jargon. From scholarly scapulars ought to be referenced barbarisms â€Å"Bonjour, my old friend,†and â€Å"Vance, moon am'†in light of the fact that they offer data about social foundation of character: Pierre is a Canadian who knows French as he works in
Free Essays on Kachinas
Local Americans have occupied this nation for some ages. We see such a large number of things that are impacted by the Native Americans and we wind up in stunningness of the freedom of these people groups and the way of life that they have originated from. At the point when we take a gander at craftsmanship through the eyes of the Native American we should see an utilitarian and usable workmanship. Craftsmanship was not for tasteful reasons; it had genuine reason. The society workmanship that originated from these societies were for strict and moral reasons. Everything that these individuals had a need in their gathering. The Kachina is one of these necessities. The Kachinas were and still are a significant piece of the religion of the Pueblo Indians, however I will concentrate on Hopi Indians. The Kachinas were inviting spirits a lot of like our Christian Saints; anyway there were some detestable Kachinas that rebuff the individuals who defy Hopi law. The Kachinas assume a significant job in the different strict services, a large number of which appear as moves and serenades. At the point when a Hopi man dresses himself in the ensemble of a specific Kachina, he accepts the soul of that Kachina has supplanted his own character. The services request that the Kachinas bring abundant yields, or give the individuals of the town great wellbeing and karma. Hopi youngsters have confidence in Kachinas similarly as American kids have faith in Santa Clause. In the functions, the kids should perceive their dads, uncles or companions who are playing the job of the Kachinas. Also, as Santa carries presents to kids, certain Kachinas bring Kachina dolls, organic products, desserts, and different amazements. Kachina dolls are given to the youngsters not as toys, however as something to be cherished and concentrated so they may get comfortable with the different spirits that are a significant piece of their religion. The wonders of Kachina are generally new. The religion of the Hopi has not generally been set up. As we probably am aware, religion is instituted to maintain control with in a gathering o... Free Essays on Kachinas Free Essays on Kachinas Local Americans have possessed this nation for some ages. We see such a significant number of things that are affected by the Native Americans and we end up in amazement of the autonomy of these people groups and the way of life that they have originated from. At the point when we take a gander at workmanship through the eyes of the Native American we should see a useful and usable craftsmanship. Workmanship was not for tasteful reasons; it had genuine reason. The people workmanship that originated from these societies were for strict and moral reasons. Everything that these individuals had a need in their gathering. The Kachina is one of these necessities. The Kachinas were and still are a significant piece of the religion of the Pueblo Indians, however I will concentrate on Hopi Indians. The Kachinas were agreeable spirits a lot of like our Christian Saints; anyway there were some shrewd Kachinas that rebuff the individuals who ignore Hopi law. The Kachinas assume a significant job in the different strict services, a large number of which appear as moves and serenades. At the point when a Hopi man dresses himself in the ensemble of a specific Kachina, he accepts the soul of that Kachina has supplanted his own character. The functions request that the Kachinas bring abundant harvests, or give the individuals of the town great wellbeing and karma. Hopi youngsters trust in Kachinas similarly as American kids have faith in Santa Clause. In the services, the youngsters should perceive their dads, uncles or companions who are playing the job of the Kachinas. What's more, as Santa carries presents to youngsters, certain Kachinas bring Kachina dolls, organic products, desserts, and different amazements. Kachina dolls are given to the kids not as toys, yet as something to be loved and concentrated so they may get comfortable with the different spirits that are a significant piece of their religion. The wonders of Kachina are moderately new. The religion of the Hopi has not generally been set up. As we probably am aware, religion is instituted to maintain control with in a gathering o...
Friday, July 3, 2020
Operational Management in Toyota Essay - 3575 Words
Operational Management in Toyota (Essay Sample) Content: OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT IN TOYOTAName:Course:Institution:Tutor:Date:Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1.0 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc386140767 \h 32.0 Toyota Company PAGEREF _Toc386140768 \h 32.1 Current challenges and future face of the company PAGEREF _Toc386140769 \h 52.2 Operation management in Toyota PAGEREF _Toc386140770 \h 52.2.1 TPS (Toyota production system) PAGEREF _Toc386140771 \h 62.2.2 Just in Time system PAGEREF _Toc386140772 \h 92.2.3 Lean production PAGEREF _Toc386140773 \h 102.2.4 Supply chain management PAGEREF _Toc386140774 \h 113.0 Recommendations PAGEREF _Toc386140775 \h 134.0 Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc386140776 \h 145.0 References PAGEREF _Toc386140777 \h 151.0 IntroductionOperational management is the maintenance of efficient production of goods that the company is developing for sale. The work of the operation manager is ensuring efficient production of good and resources are efficiently managed to minimize waste, as well as material resources. Therefore, to meet these goals, the management needs to come up with a strategy available for a given situation. According to Heizer and Render (2001, p.12), the biggest challenge for the organizations, as well as managers are to increase production by minimizing waste, which is finding a balance between increasing production of products, and at the same time maintaining the quality of the products using the resources available. Different strategies can be used depending on the needs of production. Therefore, this essay discusses operation management strategies used in Toyota.2.0 Toyota CompanyToyota Motor Corporation is the leading the car maker in Japan. It operates in more than 170 countries across the world. It manufactures different cars including minivans, pickups, Land Cruiser, Sienna among many others (Kakuro 2004, p. 1391). Toyota is the second largest manufacure of car in the world following General Motors. The company is successful because of a number of factors, includi ng successful brand, innovation, product development and effective marketing entry strategy. In terms of successful brand, Toyota has gradually developed its brand based of quality, first-class in performance, as well as being eco-friendly. In terms of innovation, the company is considered as in first position in regard to innovation. It was the earliest car manufacture to embrace lean manufacturing system, also called Toyota Production System (TPS) (Kakuro 2004, p. 1391). The system is quicker, more competent and produces less waste when compared to the conventional methods such as batch and queue technique of car production. It also uses other strategies such as JIT (Just in Time Manufacturing), as well as smart automation. In terms of production, the company is well known for producing efficient car that are fuel-efficient, greener, as well as first-class performance when compared to that of competitors. Monden (2012, p. 5) indicates that the answer to achievement in the car ind ustry is the production of the latest model that enhances the brand loyalty, as well as encourages demand for the product. Additionally, the company for a long time has sought on meeting the government requirement, especially in reducing the pollutiion and economic changes brought about by the changing prices of fuel. However, it has done this through persistence production of hybrid fuel cars. According to Sako (2004, P. 281), Toyota was the earliest brand in the car manufacturing to promote the production of hybrid cars, which uses gasoline and electricity, with the introduction of Prius model in its product line. Finally, the company has increased its growth over the years through having effective entry marketing strategies. Sako (2004, p. 282) indicates that Toyota effectively entered the market with both manufacturing, as well as sale subsidiaries. In addition, the company easily gained first-mover advantages by establishing their markets in international strategic areas Monden (2012, p. 5), whereby, it closest opponent has obtained two regions, the United States and Europe. According to Monden (2012, p. 5), Toyota is strategically positioned to take the lead in the development of Southeast Asia, as well as China and India.Additionally, Monden (2012, p. 5) indicates that Toyota has developed a model that focuses on developing cars worldwide. Establishing a car manufacturing site is very costly because it requires high fixed cost investment. However, to reduce the cost, the company has effectively moved it premises to places that do not require huge fixed cost without compromising on quality. It also manufactures many parts of cars and it has assembly locations in different parts of the world. Furthermore, the company has been gaining cost efficiencies from assembling the car in different regions than using one location (Lander and Liker 2007, p. 1383)2.1 Current challenges and future face of the companyAccording to Mehri (2006, p. 23), the car industry is under pressure from the governments and consumers to produce cars that are eco-friendly, meaning that they are fuel-efficient. Saturation and overproduction in the developed market has led to the companies look for alternative market such as China and India, where income is mounting. However, as Lander and Liker (2007, p. 1383) indicates, these countries have their brand which they are also gaining a reputation. Furthermore, the increasing oil prices are also hurting the industry. Mehri (2006, p. 23) also indicates that consumers handling the cars are also declining. The fixed cost is also increasing, and consumer also using less money on car than per household. Other challenges have also emerged in Europe where the government is encouraging car-share, as well as substitute form of transportation. As a result, the demand of car is reducing. Monden (2012, p. 8) indicates that, in the developed nation, which is the main markets for car manufactures, the size of the household is also reducing. However, this has led to a reduction in the demand for car, and at the same time, an increase in demand for fuel-efficient care. Therefore, the next section discusses the operation management strategies Toyota uses in order to make its business profitable, as well as maintain the customer loyalty.2.2 Operation management in ToyotaOperations comprise the second pillar that supports production activities. As mentioned above, operations are associated with the flow of equipment, as well as operator. Toyota has for a long time emphasized the improvement of its production system. As Mehri (2006, p. 24) indicates operations have three fundamental components, which include preparations and after adjustments, principle management, as well as marginal allowances (Benders and Morita 2004, p. 34). According to Kakuro (2004, p. 1394), these are a well known operations that are done after every the production of every lot, and are considered as very useful operation in the company. The earlier productions, majority of production took place in a large lot because a lot of time was spent during changeovers. Under such condition, it was possible to produce under low labor cost, but there was also a problem of undesirable upscale in in-process stocks.However, the pressure to be competitive has led to the emerging of numerous operational paradigms, and some of the significant ones include Just in Time, Total Quality Management (TQM) and Supply Chain management. JIT is an operational paradigm that focuses on eliminating wastes and at the same timer rescue the setup time (Monden 2012, p. 34). The system focuses on controlling the material for effective utilization of resources. On the other hand, TQM focuses on the development of corporate culture that empowers employees and also seeks continual improvement. Finally, supply chain management is a system that links the supplier and the buyer decision making in order to improve the flow of material in the chain (Benders a nd Morita (2004, p. 435).2.2.1 TPS (Toyota production system)According to Lander and Liker (2007, p. 1381), leads to lean production that emphasis on the elimination of waste in the production system. The system is highly standardized and has buffers that are controlled through various pull signals. The system is very efficient enhances the quality of products, and that is the reason Toyota has gained a competitive edge in the global market (Kakuro 2004, p. 1392).Benders and Morita (2004, p. 435) argues that TPS should be seen as a philosophy described by set of principles of managing, as well as organizing enterprise.One of the reasons that Toyota has become a successful global market is the ability to establish a unique production system. Abdulmalek and Rajgopal (2007, p 232) indicates that TPS is based on principles of continual improvement regarded as Kaize. The Company's workforce is highly decentralized and takes part in decision making in the organization. As Hertzberg's th eory of motivation indicates, the workforce is highly motivated, and this lead to the success of the enterprise. Furthermore, TPS consists of the most successful production, as well as work practices. Sakichi Toyoda, the founder of Toyota established this system. On the other hand, it is Taciichi Ohno who created Just in Time Production system (Lander and Liker 2007, p. 1383). The JIT production system made the company more efficient, furthermore, the techniques used in the system also incorporated total quality control, quality circles, as well as statistical process control. As a result, Toyota has become more efficient than its competitors. Toyota has also introduced new system of employee relation with one of the trade unions, whereby, the companies aims at providing flexible work in order to be effective in responding to demand based production Monden (2012, p. 13)Ideally, the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s manufacturing systems comprises of a continu...
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Enron Case - 1075 Words
MINI CASE: THE FILURE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AT ENRON 1.Which parts of the corporate governance system, internal and external, do you believe failed Enron the most? In the evaluation of the Enron’s case; by trying to see the very big picture, it is not only about that the internal part of the corporate governance system was failed or but also the external part of the corporate governance system was also failed. As noted on the last paragraph of the mini case, many people from different positions and different companies didn’t act responsibly and according to the generally accepted corporate governance rules. Internally; because of the head executives used the companies resources and the power that their positions provides them for their†¦show more content†¦As it is known, Corporate Governance is the system used to direct and control a corporation. And it defines the rights and responsibilities of key corporate participants such as shareholders, the board of d irectors, officers and managers, and other stakeholders. The Enron Case is a breakdown of corporate governance in the most baroque of recent scandals where there were not only conflicts with standards for good corporate governance but also unusually extensive use of sophisticated techniques and transactions to manipulate the firm’s financial reports. During the same year’s with Enron Case, Parmalot and Worldcom cases also occurred, mainly because of the same reasons, and resulted in a same way. Therefore wrong combinations for the corporative governance may result in a same way. Corporative Governance has been argued too much after the Enron Case. However some people believe that Enron was an isolated incident and not an example of many failures to come according to above writings. The biggest factor behind this thinking can be related to that Enron is much bigger than other failed companies and was acted like a monopoly. That is to say, all of the case showed us that how some companies can bankrupt because of the wrong combination of leadership, business evolution, and market behaviors. We think the following citation would beShow MoreRelatedEnron Case1899 Words  | 8 PagesENRON CASE Please read the Enron cases posted on blackboard and the one in your book then answer the following questions based upon the case and Chapter 9. Make sure that your answers are supported by the facts of the case and the concepts you learned from Chapter 5. Please rely only on the case/chapter 9 to answer the questions except for question # 12â€â€requires outside search. Make sure your answers are sufficiently brief, concise, and relevant to the question. Please avoid generalRead MoreEnron Case2186 Words  | 9 PagesPart B: What role did the CFO play in creating the problems that led to Enron’s financial problems? In order to prevent the losses from appearing on its financial statements, Enron used questionable accounting practices. To misrepresent its true financial condition, Andrew Fastow, the Enron’s CFO, takes his role involving unconsolidated partnerships and â€Å"special purpose entities†, which would later become known as the LJM partnership. Taking advantage from the SPEs’s main purpose, which providedRead MoreEnron Case2402 Words  | 10 Pages Imane Malihi Prof. Fred Friend BLW411/511 March 27, 2014 The Downfall of Enron Corporation â€Å"Ethics and integrity are at the core of sustainable long term success †¦ Without them, no strategy can work and, as Enron has demonstrated, enterprises will fail. That’s despite having some of the ‘smartest’ guys in the room.†by Richard Rudden. As the quotation states, ethics and integrity play a key role in the success of any corporation; through these principles, companies can ensure their complianceRead MoreThe Case Of The Enron Case Essay1197 Words  | 5 Pages1.1. One of the most important fraud cases in the USA was The Enron case because of his criminal activity which involved a big part of USA. Let me give a short introduce about it, â€Å"In 1974, Kenneth Lay joined the Florida Gas Company, eventually serving as president of its successor company, Continental Resources Company. In 1981, he left Continental to join Transco Energy Company in Houston, Texas. Three years later, Lay joined Houston Natural Gas Co. as chairman and CEO. The company merged withRead MoreENRON Case Study1572 Words  | 7 Pages1. The Enron debacle created what one public official reported was a â€Å"crisis of confidence†on the part of the public in the accounting profession. List the parties who you believe are most responsible for that crisis. Briefly justify each of your choices. Following parties are believed to be the most responsible for the crisis. With any big organization going so bad, the blame starts with the top level executives, there was no different in this case. For Enron the blame started with Enron’sRead MoreCase: 9 Enron928 Words  | 4 PagesCase 9: Enron; Questionable Accounting Leads to Collapse Bruce Smith Minnesota School of Business BS430 Business Ethics MR. Morris November 25, 2012 1. 2. 1. How did the corporate culture of Enron contribute to its bankruptcy? Effective leaders are good at getting followers to their common goals or objectives in the most effective and efficient way; unfortunately for Enron, in the end Ken Lay and Jeffery skilling were too focused on profits that nothing else mattered. In theRead MoreEnron Case2918 Words  | 12 Pagesseemed eliminate confidence by the business world about the practice of good corporate governance in the United States. Enron was a company that was ranked as seventh out of the five hundred leading companies in the United States and is the largest U.S. energy company that went bankrupt leaving debts amounting to nearly U.S. $ 31.2 billion. In instance with the case of Enron known occurrence of moral threat behavior such as manipulation of financial statements with a record 600 million dollar profitRead MoreEnron Case Study5921 Words  | 24 PagesEnron Case Study [pic] Part A: Problem Focused Analysis and Recommendations. 1. Brief Case Background. List key events, use timeline. Case Background At one time Enron was one of the world’s largest producers of natural gas, oil, and electricity. It also appeared to be one of the most profitable companies, taking shareholders from $19.10 in 1999 to $90.80 by the end of 2000. Enron’s top management answered to a Board of Directors whose responsibility was to question and challenge new partnershipsRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Enron Case1407 Words  | 6 PagesThe Enron case is a very popular case to show how the profession of accounting is vital to make the corporate world of business flow reliably. Enron was recognized as one of the world’s major electricity, natural gas, communications and pulp and paper’s company. However Enron was found to record assets and profits at inflated, fraudulent and non-existent amounts. Debts and losses were found to be excluded from financial statements along with other major transactions between Enron and other companiesRead MoreEnron Case Study Analysis1699 Words  | 7 PagesBusiness Strategy Enron Case Study 09/08/12 Enron Case Study: From Company to Conspiracy 1. What is the History of Enron, and what current situation does it find itself in? Enron was created by a combination of companies. These companies were Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth. These companies were merged together in July 1985. CEO of Houston Natural Gas, Kenneth Lay became chairman and CEO of the combined company. This happened in February 1986. The company changed its name to Enron on April 10th
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