Friday, December 27, 2019
The Effects Of Social Media On Mental And Emotional Health
Off the Grid Social media seems to be one of the many hot topics of discussion recently, and consequently many people have the false sense of security that they have a profound knowledge on how it affects the health of the teenage population. A sedentary lifestyle, decreased sleep, as well as other physical health conditions seem to come to mind when one links health and social media. However, there is a much bigger problem that can go unnoticed because it can be impossible to see: the impact it has on mental and emotional health. These branches of health are just as important, and even arguably more important than physical health is. Social media can be utilized to connect with distant friends and express oneself; however, teenagers should refrain from the overuse of social media due to its detrimental effects on their mental and emotional health. Before exploring this topic, a few key words must be clearly understood. The definition of emotional health, provided by the Mental Healt h Foundation, is â€Å"A positive sense of wellbeing which enables an individual to be able to function in society and meet the demands of everyday life†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (BelongTo). This has a great deal to do with positivity and a person’s view of the world surrounding them. Without proper emotional health, a person’s world can fall apart, similarly to if one has poor mental health. Mental health is described as â€Å"†¦a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with theShow MoreRelatedSocial Media Negatives1007 Words  | 5 Pages There are 2.3 billion active social media users (Smith 1). Meaning the majority of people go on social media every day. Social media is almost a part of every teen’s life it’s how they stay connected and meet up with people. But social media is worse than what most people would think. It’s leading to worse things for teenagers since they won’t see the negativ es coming. Especially not from social media since it’s a huge part of their life. Social media’s negatives outweigh the positives becauseRead MoreThe Use Of Cell Phones While Driving1509 Words  | 7 Pages but also to deter them from posting their latest tweet or commenting on their friend’s latest picture. Social media is so ingrained in society today that many are unable to entertain a world that is devoid of such technology. With usage at an all-time high, the psychological effects of social media must be brought into question, and the repercussions it has on teens in the modern day. Social media’s popularity shows no sign of stopping, so a solution is imperative. A means of safely integratingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Instagram1439 Words  | 6 PagesSocial media: a blessing or a burden? It gives the ability to like, comment and interact with any person at any time. A platform with recent growth and popularity, Instagram, reaches copious amou nts people. Expectedly so, controversy has arisen from the decade of social media and this form in particular. Research has found Instagram to have the highest overall negative effect on mental health (Cramer Inkster, 2017). Through analyzing human psyche and critiquing data, this paper will seek to explainRead MoreSocial Media And The Negative Outcomes1531 Words  | 7 Pagesin studies between the use of social media and the negative outcomes it imposes on young adults. Some examples include increased anxiety, depression, loneliness, and worthlessness. These potential negative effects raise concerns about young adults’ increased usage of social media within the past decade. Lenhard, Purcell, and Smith (2010), assert in their journal the following: â€Å"93% of young adults between the ages of 18 and 29 go online; 72% of young adults use social networking websites; and one-thirdRead MoreNegative Effects Of Social Media1350 Words  | 6 Pagestoday’s society, social media is an important tool that many people use daily for various purposes. On social media, people share their opinions, events in their lives, and news. They also use social media as a tool for entertainment and as a way of keeping in touch with their friends. Because of its various uses, the use of social media increased very significantly over the years and it is no surprise that many scholars from different disciplines took an interest in the use of social media. These scholarsRead MoreSocial Media And Its Effects On Society Essay1416 Words  | 6 Pages Social media sites, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram, provide opportunities for people to connect with each other and have become exceedingly popular in recent years. However, there are increased numbers of mental health problems such as mood problems, emotional issues, and addiction in teenagers as they overuse social media. Advocates of social media may claim that social networking platforms benefit adolescents by increasing connectivity, helping peo ple make friendsRead MoreDisadvantages Of Fast Food1566 Words  | 7 PagesFast food is taking over many people’s lives living around the world. Many people all over the United States are overweight or obese due to eating so much fast food. Fast food affects peoples physical weight, emotional and mental health and media influence. There are no advantages to eating fast food, especially at a young age. Fast food is a scary road to turn down as a young kid growing up into an adult. Fast food is pretty much its own simple definition when you think about it, it is literallyRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Women s Self Esteem1327 Words  | 6 Pagesthis paper, I will argue that the media portrays one image of beauty and this has a damaging effect on women’s mental health, resulting in low self esteem and further deepening gender inequality within our society. I will argue this by discussing the effect media has on women’s self esteem, how the media promotes a patriarchal society and the stereotypes it presents to the public. Finally, I will discuss the sexual objectification of women presented in the media and later examine how individualsRead MoreSocial Media Disadvantages1246 Words  | 5 PagesSocial media is a way for people to communicate anywhere and at any time. Some people think that it is beneficial to have in society. Although, many people are starting to see negative effects arise from the use of social media as well. These negative effects are increasing and becoming more problematic every day. The disadvantages of social media far outweigh the advantages. Social media effects everyone in society, especially teenagers by negatively impacting their lives, face-to-face interactionsRead MoreDo Western Diets and Lifestyle Negatively Affect People’s Health?1489 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Do Western Diets and Lifestyle Negatively Affect People’s Health? Western diets and lifestyle have become more and more popular in many countries all over the world, because western countries are more developed and people think western diets and lifestyle are healthy to people. It is a common knowledge that health includes three aspects: physical health, mental health, and social well-being health, not just without any disease. Western diets refer to the food as red meat, sugary desserts and drinks
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Marketing Nigeri Nigeria s Largest Economy - 1231 Words
De’Angelo Collington Dr. Bunger WC 370 SSA 1/24/17 Marketing Nigeria In April 2014 statistical rebasing exercise, Nigeria has emerged as Africa s largest economy, with 2015 GDP estimated at $1.1 trillion. Oil has been a dominant source of income and government revenues since the 1970s. Following the 2008-9 global financial crises, the banking sector was effectively recapitalized and regulation enhanced. Nigeria’s economic growth over the last five years has been driven by growth in agriculture, telecommunications, and services. In this paper I will be trying to marketing some of things in Nigeria that might have people interested in getting their hands on or even coming to Nigeria to see. For instance I will give you why some people†¦show more content†¦Although production figures dropped in the eighties due to economic slump, 2004 saw a total rejuvenation of oil production to a record level of 2.5 million barrels per day. Current development strategies are aimed at increasing production to 4million barrels per day by the year 2010. The gross domestic profit (GDP) is going up every year 2013 was 1 trillion, in 2014 it was 1.063 trillion, and in 2015 it was 1.092.†So every year it is going up and up so for anyone you can see that you would be able to make money in the oil business in Nigeria if you or anyone else for that matter could get your hands in on some of that deal you could be making a lot of money. In my option this is not a high risk because the oil figures are not going down at all so the money you would put in you would defiantly get back in the long run. There are many attractions in Nigeria but I’m going to give you about two or three of them. The number one attraction in Nigeria is the Nike Art Center. The Nike Art Center is an art gallery in Lagos owned by Nike Davies-Okundaye. The gallery is arguably the largest of its kind in West Africa. Housed in a five-story’s tall building, it boasts a collection of about 8,000 diverse artworks from various Nigerian art ists. A little more about the center Nike is the Managing Director/CEO of Nike Center for Art and Culture, Osogbo where trainings are offered free of charge to all Nigerians in various forms
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Comparing “The Lottery†and “The Hunger Artist†Sample Essay Example For Students
Comparing â€Å"The Lottery†and â€Å"The Hunger Artist†Sample Essay Rituals are a set of actions performed for a symbolic value. such as through forfeits. traditions in communities. or to pull strings spiritual symbols. Rituals that are performed as traditions can be seen through the short narrative â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson. In this short narrative Jackson exemplifies the mode in which the significance of a ritual can be forgotten while facets of the rite are still continued by going a civic responsibility to its participants. Conversely. Franz Kafka’s short narrative â€Å"The Hunger Artist†expresses the antonym of rites going an individual’s civic responsibility as shown in Jackson’s narrative. He illustrates how the significance of rites dies when that ritual becomes a commercial spectacle to its audience. One narrative illustrates how a ritual loses its value one time its participants view the rite as their civic responsibility. whereas the other short narrative shows a ritual which fades off one t ime the spirit is gone. decreasing its value. The reader is able to see the manner factors affect the spiritualty of the ritual which in bend determines how long the rite will last. Rituals hold cultural significance which makes them of import because it is the manner many civilizations are able to acquire spiritually closer to their God ( s ) . Many rites are able to last decennaries and are still practiced in today’s society. For illustration. Lent is a spiritual rite practiced today that is comprised of fasting and giving up a material point for self-denial in the 40 yearss predating Easter Sunday. Rituals such as Lent tend to last decennaries because every individual that participates is allowed to make so without holding to pay a fee. When a pecuniary value is placed on a ritual. the ritual slowly begins to lose its spiritualty and cultural significance to the participants. Additionally. individuals in charge of the ritual can at times be seen as subscribers to the loss of the spiritualty and significance of the ritual. Preservation of spiritualty of a ritual is a lending factor to the grounds why rites can last for decennaries. A loss of spiritualty can ensue when a pecuniary value is placed upon the ritual and participants are forced to pay a fee in order to position and go on the rite from coevals to coevals. Once the rite has lost its value due to the fee placed on it. as in Kafka’s short narrative. it will turn into a position quo of people that can afford to see it and people who can non. Kafka provinces. â€Å"While once it used to pay really good to present big exhibitions of this sort under private direction. today this is rather impossible†¦ During the ulterior phases endorsers used to sit in specially reserved seats in forepart of the little barricaded coop all twenty-four hours long†( 713 ) . The position that is now placed on go toing this rite is what begins to take others off from it. The ritual has now turned into a fuss to go on passing money on which leads the people to lose involvement in the ritual and turn their attending elsewhere. Additionally. the commercialisation of rites necessarily leads to its terminal as the significance of why person would desire to go on the ritual alterations. Kafka is able to utilize the symbolism of the hungriness creative person to stand for a spiritual symbol to demo the death of a ritual as a direct consequence from its commercialisation. He states. â€Å"Experience had shown that the public’s involvement in any town could be stimulated for about 40 yearss by increasing the advertizements. but so the populace lost involvement. and a significant bead in attending was noted ; of course there were little fluctuations in this affair between the different towns and parts. but as a regulation 40 yearss was the limit†( Kafka 715 ) . The hungriness artist’s rite of fasting for 40 yearss illustrates the usage of fasting to happen religious fulfilment. This is what the writer uses to assist the reader see the hungriness creative person as a spiritual figure. The writer besides shows through this quotation mark that the commercialisation of this ritual merely last for 40 yearss before the public forgets about it. Once the rite was commercialized it so became a signifier of amusement to the audience. Thus the spiritualty of the rite was taken away when a pecuniary value was placed on it. What Is Paradise? EssayBy saying this. the writer is boding that something sinister will be go oning. Yet in Kafka’s short narrative the opposite occurs in which the audience accumulates in a ritual to see person agony. He states. â€Å"Yet there was another ground why he was neer satisfied ; possibly it wasn’t merely his fasting that made him so emaciated that many people. much to their sorrow. couldn’t attend his public presentations because they couldn’t bear the sight of him†( Kafka 714 ) . Once the spiritualty of sing the hungriness creative person turns into a screening of person agony. so the audience turns their attending to the following best thing. Kafka is able to demo through his narrative that the loss of spiritualty of a ritual can obviously take to that ritual’s death. On the other manus. Jackson is able to show that rites can last without its spiritualty. In kernel. rites can last over decennaries. For illustration. Lent is still practiced today. Many factors which can impact the spirit of that ritual can clearly lend to its terminal. Primarily. adding a pecuniary value as seen in Kafka’s short narrative can be a chief contributing factor. A pecuniary value strips off both spiritualty and cultural significance of a ritual by turning it into a signifier of amusement for the participants. Having to pay a fee causes the audience to lose involvement because the ritual has now become a position quo of the rich persons opposed to the poor persons. Alternatively. Jackson’s short narrative shows that even though the spirit of a rite has diminished it can still go on in the signifier of a jurisprudence.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Personal Virtues Essay Essay Example
Personal Virtues Essay Paper I went over the list a twosome of times and I am non certain if I even put them into the right order or non of how I feel. I had changed them a few times. I am surprised at a twosome of picks that I made. I was non certain of how to rate reputability and self-respect. I know I can esteem a individual but that individual does non esteem me so I in bend do non desire to esteem that individual. I do hold dignity and I do hold pride in myself but I do non believe it is of import as my first five picks. My most of import pick was truthfulness. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Virtues Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Virtues Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Virtues Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The one thing that I hate is when person lies to me. Small white prevarications does non trouble oneself me excessively much. I think everyone has told a white prevarication sometime or another. I like to be honest with myself and with others. When person lies the truth normally comes out and sometimes it is non good. Wholesomeness is another 1 that is of import to me. I know that if I am healthy I will be able to take attention of my kids and take attention of the demands of my household. I make certain that my house. kids and myself are cleaned. I do non like sources and when people do non take that safeguard it drives me brainsick. I am hardworking. I am a difficult worker. I get truly dedicated to my occupation particularly if it deals with kids. I am certain that my dedication and difficult work comes from my male parent. He still works at the age of 72 and likely will until he can no longer do so. I believe I am mercy now. I used to be high strung and had a pique but after holding kids I have calmed down. I think I am mild. I do non acquire huffy to easy any longer and I am really soft. The 1 that I like is humour. I am friendly with merely about everyone. I like to be unfastened and honest with people. For the most portion I am courtesy towards other people. Now for my bottom five. sternness is my 11th pick. My self-denial is non every bit good as it should be. There are times that I should command it but I merely give in to enticement. I think doggedness is something I have problem with. I have a wont of non gluey to what I have said or wanted to make. I know I need to truly work on this facet of my life. Prudence is another 1 I was non certain about where to put it. Most of the clip I do non be after for things it normally merely happens by the goad of the minute. Guess you could state that I do non believe foremost before moving and sometimes that is a job. Dutifulness was a tough 1. I am really loyal and am devoted to people. I believe in GOD and I pray every twenty-four hours but I am non truly spiritual. One thing I do non care excessively much for is political relations even though I know it is all around us. I have neer voted during any of the election but have decided to register so that I can vote for the first clip this twelvemonth. Frugality was my last pick. I love to pass money even though I have small of it. The economic system is non good right now but that does non halt me from passing money. Sometimes I walk out of the shop believing why did I purchase some of the points and why did I spend every bit much as I did but the comforter goes off rapidly. Over all I did believe this was hard to believe of an order that best tantrum me. After completing this essay I am still non certain how I feel about it. The 1 that will stay my top pick is truthfulness.
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